Patients in Miami looking to lose weight after trying traditional methods can find help through the gastric balloon Miami, also known as the gastric balloon procedure. This non-evasive weight loss treatment yields the finest results for many individuals struggling with obesity.

This article will provide you with essential information about gastric balloon in Miami and how it can transform your life. From the pre-procedure guidelines to the placement of the gastric balloon and its removal, we hope to make your weight loss journey more pleasant.

Gastric Balloon Miami

How the gastric balloon can be a great alternative to weight loss surgery

The gastric balloon Miami procedure is an excellent non-surgical alternative to weight loss surgery. This weight loss treatment involves the placement of a balloon in the stomach, which is then inflated with a saline solution. The inflated balloon will fill the stomach helping also to reduce its size so that patients feel satisfied with smaller meals. Patients may undergo this procedure in preparation for bariatric surgery or as a stand-alone procedure.

Many statistics show that patients are satisfied with the results they get from the intragastric balloon and glad they can avoid the risks associated with going under the knife. The risks of bariatric surgery increase among patients with body mass index higher than 60 or struggling with health conditions linked to obesity. The gastric balloon in Miami is also an excellent alternative for lighter individuals who may not qualify for weight loss surgery.

Candidates for the intragastric balloon

The intragastric balloon is intended for patients who want to lose 10 to 30 pounds with a minimum BMI of 30-40 and no previous stomach or esophageal surgery. This procedure can be used to minimize the risks of surgical complications associated with obesity. If you are willing to commit to the new lifestyle changes and medical follow-ups, including behavioral therapy, this procedure might be right for you. The intragastric balloon may not be the right choice for everyone that’s suffering from obesity. To best determine whether this procedure is right for you, you will need to undergo a screening process.

Gastric balloon benefits & risks

Losing weight can generate many positive health effects for your body and help you avoid many serious health problems associated with obesity. But unfortunately, this can be a difficult undertaking for many individuals. Some patients visiting our clinic have tried multiple diets and exercise regimes with no results. If this is you, the intragastric balloon South Florida may be a good option for you. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits this procedure offers:

  • There is no surgery involved
  • The balloon is placed temporarily and then removed
  • The gastric balloon procedure is less costly than a surgical option
  • Some patients that are not eligible for surgery may be suitable for the gastric balloon procedure
  • The gastric balloon produces permanent weight loss results

How to prepare for endoscopic intragastric balloon procedure

As your gastric balloon procedure is quickly approaching, you may want to ease your mind with adequate preparation. Focus on your goals and remember this procedure only takes about 20 minutes. It’s just the beginning of your weight loss journey.

  • Follow the dietary guidelines – About 48 hours before the procedure, you only eat soft foods and drink clear liquids. You will not eat or drink anything 12 hours before the gastric balloon procedure. When in doubt, refer to your pre-procedure guidelines.
  • Ask someone reliable if they can give you a ride to and from your appointment.
  • Take some time off – While this is a non-surgical procedure, it’s common for patients to experience some symptoms after the gastric balloon procedure such as nausea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. You should not push yourself to jump back into your usual routine. Some patients take three days to a week off. This time will allow you to sit back and relax for the next few days so that your body can quickly adapt to the new changes.

The day of your gastric balloon procedure

The gastric balloon is delivered into the stomach through the mouth via an endoscopic procedure that’s completed under mild sedation. Once the patient is mildly sedated and comfortable, the surgeon uses an endoscopic camera or “gastroscope” to check for any abnormalities. If none are found, the balloon is then placed in the stomach, and the syringe is used to fill and expand it with a sterile saline solution, which is based on the patient’s body constitution.

The surgeon will proceed to remove the syringe from the body leaving it securely inside the belly. That is a non-surgical outpatient procedure that takes about 20 minutes, and then the patient will be monitored in the recovery room. The Orbera intragastric balloon will take up space in the patient’s stomach for about six months and help them feel full faster so that they need to eat less.

What to expect after a gastric balloon procedure?

The gastric balloon procedure has been proven to be very useful in helping patients lose weight quickly and maintaining the results as time goes by. Life after the gastric balloon has some limitations and requirements you should keep in mind.

  • Your diet – Patients are expected to follow a liquid gastric balloon diet during the first three days of recovery. By day four, you will be able to eat soft foods and continue to drink cups of fluid in between meals. After day ten, you can eat textured foods again. The goal is to eat three healthy meals a day with no more than 1,200 calories.Patients should avoid eating and drinking at the same time since it may cause them to feel bloated and vomit. Foods such as soft bread and pasta may stick to the balloon. If this happens, make sure you drink water about 30 min after mealtimes.
  • Your lifestyle – Your lifestyle will change completely after the intragastric balloon has been inserted. Your exercise routine matters as it will help you achieve long-term success. At first, patients are encouraged to walk ten minutes daily and add other physical activities as they feel ready.
  • A lifelong commitment – It’s natural to experience a variety of emotions. After all, your body is changing. The focus should be on maintaining your weight loss results and continue to lose weight by focusing on a healthy lifestyle. You may have access to many resources such as support groups, and a dietitian for up to a year.

Gastric balloon side effects

While there are some risks associated with the gastric balloon procedure such as pain and nausea, these symptoms will last only a few days and can be treated with oral medication. Pain is generally related to the body trying to eliminate the balloon. Most patients don’t experience any complications at all. It is essential you are aware of the gastric balloon side effects.

Risks linked to balloon placement are very rare, and there is a possibility the balloon will deflate and move through the digestive system triggering a blockage that may need an additional procedure. There are also other possible risks such as ulcers in the stomach that may also require surgery to fix. Some patients may feel a sensation of the balloon moving in the stomach, but there is nothing to worry about. Bloating and bad breath is also possible, but it can be treated by following your surgeon’s treatment recommendations.

Gastric balloon Removal

The gastric balloon is removed the same way it was inserted six months after its placement via endoscopy. The patient will take a mild sedative or light anesthetic, and a catheter will be carefully inserted through the mouth and esophagus to deflate, grab, and remove the balloon through the esophagus.

Gastric balloon Miami cost

The gastric balloon was approved by the FDA back in 2015. Your health insurance may not cover this procedure, but the good news is that there are options available to finance the gastric balloon procedure. Remember this procedure requires a lot of preparatory work, follow-up care, and support services. There may be other additional costs associated with this procedure.

Why Dr. Moradian?

Dr. Moradian is a leading gastric surgeon at Miami Sleeve Center performing gastric balloon in Miami with FDA-approved gastric balloons such as Orbera. He will help you get the most out of treatment by helping you adopt healthier habits you can follow for a lifetime. After six months with the gastric balloon in your stomach, you will start feeling good and have more energy.

Dr. Moradian also has experience in advanced bariatric and laparoscopic surgery. He has performed bariatric procedures such as gastric bypass surgery and sleeve gastrectomy with cutting-edge technology that yields the most outstanding results. You can trust his expertise to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

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